Saturday, 28 January 2012

Dear Arab Brothers,
these are your strength: your communication, education,culture, language and your blood. These
are the factors that make you strong and unique to other race or nation. Yet you seemed not to be aware of them. You allow your younger generation get a mixture of western education in such that they got confused. I believe there are more than 2.5 millions of Palestinian in Palestine. It is a very large number to get a state of your own. You need to learn from small states like Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong on how the can be very strong especially in economy. You need to build your economy with all the strength you already have. You can exploit your tourism industry to the maximum. 600,000,000 Asians(600 millions Asians) like to see your country and culture. Especially Palestine! Build up this area. The Asian like to visit the dangerous areas of your country to see themselves how your enemies kill the innocence! This is what I meant by increase your communication with the world.

Your Arabic Language

 Dear Arab brothers,
your Arabic language is the most beautiful in the whole world so that ALLAH S.W.T. has choosen it as the language to communicate with humans. There is ALLAH S.W.T.'s power in the arabic language itself. Master the quranic language to its highest level and then ALLAH S.W.T. will grant you the necessary knowledge, courage, spirits, ideas etc for you to fight your enemies in the short term, medium term and long term.
Arab language is the language that is sacred and have the power to unite human hearts regardless of different races and colors.

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Flash. Stop the presses.

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Flash. StoDeep the presses.: This is an actual headline in Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat (mouthpiece of Prince Salman): "Prince Sattam arrives in Riyadh today. " In the

Dear Arab brother

you have not look deep into your culture for a long term confrontation with your enemies. In the past you manage your enemies very well because your culture is very strong. So I urge you all to look back at your culture and find the solution of your problem the arabic way. How can you get strong again. Focus on your culture and you can be strong again. Re educate yourselves your own culture and you can see the solution of your problem within your culture. Do not use the western way to solve the arabic problem.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Education is a must.

Dear Arab Brothers,
                               I am seeing that your younger generations especially the Palestinians are not getting their proper education. You cannot let this be. You need to educate your younger generation for them to survive all the challenges that they are facing. The Palestinians are not alone in this world. There are many Arab nations who are willing to educate these Palestinians.Let your younger generation get the necessary education (a good one) in other Arab nations. You never know one day one of the you younger generations will come out to become the world leaders as you all wish. Trust your Arab brothers. They will educate them well. Think about this. You have nothing to loose. In fact you have a lot to gain!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The westerns

Dear Arab Brothers,

it is obvious that the western countries are really interested in your countries. They will not rest until you all becomes part of them. Its just a matter of time when all of your countries fall into their control. The question is: Do you believe this is the case or are you still under the deam of to become like them? You all will never be like them. You all are better than them. They are planning to take all of the middle east long time ago. They wrote many books and articles on them. And they executed their dreams into reality in terms of taking over the land of the middle east part by part exactly as they plan in the books which they have written. Amazing! They even told the world that the arab people do not read. That is why they dare write those books.

I think its time we too begin to think how to deal with aggression of one country to another. We can start with educating our younger generation our values strongly. Middle eastern countries are know of their civilizations. Why don't we put our scholars on to them and told our scholars to develop a very interesting ways to beat them at their own game. I am sure that our scholars are mostly educated in the west. They know how the western people think and behave lets start with this. I am sure there are thousands of our scholars are willing to do this.
Best of luck dear brothers.

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Dear Arab Brothers,
                               I sympathized with what is happening to all of you. Yet I have an idea on how to end all these horror.  We start just with a simple communication. Talk to everybody in the world. Make yourselves present in everybody's home. Talk to them like you are talking to your neighbor. Do not talk about wars or
anything that turn them off. Just become friends with everybody. Once the world is your friend, the world will not want to harm you in anyway. Make them feel that you are flesh and blood like them. You got feelings, you can get hurt,  you can fall in love and you are like them. Use all the social network like facebook, twitter, blog etc.
Your presence in every American home will produce positive point of view about the arab people to the world especially the Americans..