Wednesday, 30 April 2014

I always thought that the Chinese and Indians are always better than the Malays. But today I heard that the Malays are discriminating the Chinese. I wonder in what manners do these Malays discriminates the Chinese and the Indians. The Chinese says that they are being discriminated in terms of the number of students entering the local universities. As far I could see that there was an agreement among the Parlimentarians to set quotas for each race.  There are more malays in the universities because the Malay populationis  larger in numbers in Malaysian than the chinese population. So our quota is much  bigger. Why all the fuss.                                               

Saturday, 26 April 2014

There are times when suddenly I feel bored with almost everything in this world. I just wanted to be alone in my room on my bed lying down thinking of everything and nothing. In this world there is always limited time and unlimited things to do. Why can't it be the other way round? Why can't we have plenty of time and limited things to do? Then there is always the phenomena what we want we cannot get. Why is it so hard to get exactly what we want? I think we should be able to get whatever we want. I am bored with the limitation of the human being in this world..

Friday, 25 April 2014

I visited my brother today. My blood brother who is always in trouble with his money. Somehow he could not make ends meet in almost every month.. I always come to the rescue. That's what a brother is for. Many people asked me how long would I like to help him. My answer is till I die. Many people do not understand why I wanted to help my brother till I die. My answer is he is my BLOOD BROTHER. Same father and same mother.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

In the eyes of many Malaysians, Malays will never be good in English Languge. They cannot accept the fact that there are many malays having Phds in English language. In their minds only their race could master English language eventhough not many of them hold Phd in English language. At the  same time most of our politicians especially the
 thought that  their English is excellent. They always try to prove that even English teachers are weak in English. I felt sorry to our upper educational senior managers who are blinded by their thought of  the malay people cannot master English language.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

So many things has been happening in the whole world that you cannot follow everything. But if you can look at a few event closely you will discover that it is always the human factor that cause the tragedies. Having the idea of Allah s.w.t. almighty who can see everything in the future, past and present of you, you will think many times before you want to do something inappropriately. To the things the right way is the best way to save lives and love ones.